Visibility Jam. July 19-21, 2024. See the results.

Switching from web to PC

Anton Swifton
I procrastinated for 4 months, and then realized that I can't work on the web version anymore. There are too many big changes that have to happen in the code before I can be productive in making this program do more things. And recently I got a brief but clear explanation of why it's so difficult to make those changes:

So I decided to start working on a PC version. There are two pieces of feedback I got from friends and parents when I released the web version:
1. It's very difficult to understand what's happening. There is too much stuff on the screen and the rules of the game are not obvious.
2. The ui is pretty bad and ugly.

Neither is very surprising, considering that this is how it looked:

I wrote the whole ui system from scratch in javaScript in about 40 hours using HTML5 canvas. This time I decided that instead of doing it myself again, I will use Dear ImGui with SDL 2. The result (the first approximation) looks a little nicer and simpler:

Except for the images. The black thing that looks like a headless spider is an exit. It was my attempt to draw a pipe going down in Paint. The purple arrow on the field is an entrance. It should be a different image because the purple arrow is usually used to show directions, but I haven't worked on images yet.

In general, all images should be redone, because I realized that
1. The style doesn't work. You can't make it look good without making an entire rendering engine that will adjust the distance between strokes depending on the scale of the image. You also can't draw an image on top of another image easily.
2. It might make a more interesting game, if the body segments, instead of being simple circles, will be more like parts of a real worm, thus containing information about neighboring segments:

Using ImGui also helped with complexity. Here are some simplifications that happened:
1. The "details" label and its buttons were deleted. Their purpose was to visualize how the program works. Now it's done by simply hovering over patterns.
2. Three buttons per pattern for moving patterns around were replaced by drag-and-drop.
3. Most buttons are invisible at the beginning and get turned on as the player makes progress through the game.

There are also some game simplifications I made.
1. Hunger had to go. The purpose of it was to end a game when a worm gets into a loop. This was replaced by a proper loop recognition.
2. Cutting patterns wasn't essential, so it went away.
3. The first levels involved eating coffee beans, but a big part of these levels was also not hitting a wall. Now there are no coffee beans in the early levels, only walls. The beans will come later.
4. This also makes the histogram of the lengths unnecessary. The histogram shows for each length, how many times the worm reached that length before dying. With wall levels, you only have to know, in what percentage of games the worm found the exit -- that's one number.
5. There is a tutorial of the type that puzzle games usually feature. The first level is trivial, and each subsequent level introduces exactly one concept (most of the time).

I'm planning to bring this version into a playable state before the end of June, at which point I will release it on Itch and keep iterating until I run out of ideas.
If you want the game to look/feel better, I think you should work on color/brightness before you work on the images. At the moment everything looks dark and at the same brightness level. With the same images but with more color/brightness you could make the game look/feel better (I think). You don't have to make it perfect, just to make important things stand out and convey their purpose. You can worry about the final looks of things later.

Some examples:
- The exit is barely visible in the level and nearly invisible in the patterns (because of the background color). You could write EXIT in green or use an exit sign to make sure the purpose is clear.
- At the moment the background of the level is brighter than the walls, but walls seem to be more important to the gameplay. The background doesn't need to be noticeable;
- Adding a different background color to the patterns than to the program background, for example use the same background than in the level area;
- Try avoiding all the frames around the different panels. In my opinion, they convey "grouping" information that is not necessary here, and make it harder to read especially when the spacing in not consistent.
- I think that in general the application looks too dark. Colors conveys mood a lot and until you have more polished graphics I think a lighter theme would be more enjoyable for players.
I'm not planning to give it to anyone in current state. I will change the colors, but that will be part of remaking images.
What do you mean by "Try avoiding all the frames around the different panels"?
Oh, yes, the frames around the field should go. I agree, they are superfluous. The frame around the right panel probably too, although I'm less certain about that. I don't feel like I can get rid of frames around individual patterns, though. They make it look like the tiles of the pattern, as well as its buttons, are a single entity, which they are. I can get rid of the frame around the program, but when there are many patterns, there will be a scrollbar, and it will look weird, if the region that it belongs to is not outlined. I'll try it, though -- thanks for the idea.

An exit sign is an interesting idea too. Maybe I could use signs for other elements too, like the walls.